That is the slogan for the island group that we are staying on now. Our group of 16 has been split into 4 different villages by the language groups we were previously in. My group consists of: Sami (a 22 year old girl from Pennsylvania, who is very energetic, really inclusive and a lot of fun); Jason (28 year old guy from Spokane, who seems to be quite an adventurer and is also a solid Christian); Dawn (67 year old lady from Phoenix, who makes us laugh often as she says pretty much exactly what she is thinking, which is both refreshing and funny at the same time). I like our language group a lot and especially our language teacher Poli.
Our first day here, we spent primarily sleeping and getting to know our family (which is a bit awkward!). Poli, Sami, Dawn & I went for a walk in the afternoon. Here are a couple pictures of my new house and from our stroll.
This is my home for the next 6 weeks. Definitely a bit more westernized than my last home. I have a very nice bed (with mosquito net since some of the panes are missing from the windows!)