Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tonga? Where's that?

Today, I found out that not only had I been fully accepted into the Peace Corps (after a year+ application process), I also found out that I had been invited to serve within the Community Micro-Enterprise Development program in the Kingdom of Tonga beginning on July 7th!!

Tonga is a tiny grouping of islands in the South is not in Africa as many people believe.

I can't even begin to explain what a surreal feeling this is! I can't even begin to really process it as I leave tomorrow for a trip to Guatemala and Belize with Julie. I will be leaving 2 months earlier than I had expected and I feel like I have a never-ending trip of adrenaline rushing through my veins. I am excited and terrified at the same time!

Below are a few photos of Tonga that I found...I think I might be able to handle living here - what do you think??

1 comment:

Moonlight Thoughts said...

I think it would be a very smart idea if you decide to live there ! :) The place is just- beautiful ! I love it ! :) Greetings from Serbia !!!!